Lifesize Cutouts
Varying prints and sizes | Price and availability below (a la carte prices*)
Looking for something different? Add a note in your booking form and we can have a custom cutout made for your event!
Watercolor Dinosaur Set: $125 ($30 set savings)
T-Rex: $50
Bronchosaurus: $55
Triceratops: $50
Watercolor Llama: $40
Pink Jeep: $60
Farm Party Set: $125 ($40 set savings)
Watercolor Barn: $75
Party Piglet: $40
Party Cow: $50
Seashell: $30, Narwhal: $40
Narwhal: $40
Safari Animals Set: $110 ($30 set savings)
Corals (Set of 2): $45
Tractor: $40
Surf Board: $40